Committed To Rail

Ensuring situational awareness during Rail Operations


Geofencing is an innovative technology that establishes virtual perimeters using digital coordinates, mimicking physical boundaries. These virtual perimeters can be programmed to trigger events, like alerts or notifications, when a user enters or exits the defined limit.

Tended, a pioneer in safety solutions, and InRail Canada, a recognized leader in railway safety, have joined forces to introduce geofencing technology to the rail sector. This ground-breaking collaboration will bring greater flexibility and ease of deployment across various rail projects in the form of short & long-term hire options. This means that geofencing can be easily implemented in a wide range of rail projects with different durations and complexities.

Our Geofencing provides real-time alerts for workers who leave safe working zones, ensuring they maintain a safe distance from potential hazards. 

The easy to navigate software allows InRail to choreograph your worksite limits using the Planning Dashboard. We accurately map safe working zones, pinpoint locations using What3words, and have the ability to dynamically adjust zones in real-time. It provides flexibility in planning, setting up transient zones that change based on time and date, significantly reducing planning time while replicating your Safe System of Work.

The software allows you to accurately plot the positions of protection assets, such as site limits and compare staffs planned and live locations to ensure correct placement onsite. Included in the Dashboard are rail-specific overlays, including miles & meters, and line speeds which allow for precise planning of safe zones, access points, and walking routes for your teams.

The Geofencing Wearables require no additional infrastructure, saving project time and reducing cost of implementation. Our interface allows for quick to set up & deployment and is designed to withstand harsh working environments, these Wearables can be easily mounted in various positions using a Klick Fast attachment. Workers need only to collect their Wearables from the charging case before heading to the site once the site is live within the Planning Dashboard. Wearables are continuously updated in real-time to reflect any worksite changes.


The devices feature built-in fail-safe systems and offer reliable, durable service with extended battery life for multiple shifts. With a typical accuracy of 16mm, wearers are alerted the moment they leave safe working limits. The system leverages an extensive network of established beacons providing overlapping coverage, and proactive maintenance ensures device health and performance are in check.

We also offer access to analytics, that allows you to view safety data, identify trends, and inform future strategies. Engaged workers then become advocates for the continued use of Wearables onsite. Our commitment to continuous technology updates guarantees access to new releases and features.


This ground-breaking geofencing solution represents more than just a service; it signifies a commitment to safer and more efficient rail operations. 

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  • 647-609-4040
  • 647-609-4040

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